Drunk on love is simply a feeling. It is not a charity or a company. It is a feeling that will overwhelm your mind, body, and spirit when your heart has been completely filled with peace, love, joy, and compassion. It is an intense feeling that cannot be described, but only experienced. Individuals who are drunk on love do not wait until the holidays to be kind and caring. They do not wait until a horrible catastrophe happens in order to help someone in need. They do not donate to charities just to receive a tax deduction. Rather, they believe that the more you give, the more you will receive. Those who are drunk on love perform good deeds every day, conscious of being loving, every moment of their lives.  



The purpose of this book is simply to show that the problems in the world do not lie in the external environment and those inhabiting it, but in our own mind.  Our attitudes will affect others positively or negatively.  Therefore, we must try to abandon negative thoughts, such as greed, anger, lust, attachment, and closed mindedness.  And develop beneficial attitudes, such as love, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. In this book, I do point out some negative aspects that we are currently facing in the world.   My intention is not to make any of us sad, discouraged, or upset, but to really illustrate how our actions and way of thinking truly affect us and the world.   In doing so, I hope that we choose to become more aware of our thoughts, speech, and actions.  And to aspire to become good human beings who function well in society and live harmoniously with others.

Self-Published Books



IAWDOL Notebook Journal: BLANK PAGES Size: 8 1/2 X 11 inch so you can journal, sketch, doodle, scribble, design, draw, color, compose, write, set goals, invent, create, dream, fantasize, and most importantly imagine. There are also positive affirmations on every other page. For example, I am love, I am enough, I am worthy, and I am lucky.



Available on Amazon.com 

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We the people

IMAGINE A WORLD DRUNK ON LOVE    (Hardcover or Paperback)

This photo book is a collection of art projects that I did promoting my message Imagine a world drunk on love. I posted most of my projects on my Instagram account but then wanted to make a photo book for those who don't have a Instagram account.  This book also includes quotes about imagination, examples of acts of kindness and commentary on what I did for each project.


A Daily Gratitude Journal     (Paperback)

What we focus most upon in our daily lives literally shapes our future reality. In fact, it is well documented that practicing gratitude is a way to increase our happiness and mental health. Use this daily gratitude journal and write down and observe over time what happens when you start to focus more on the positive.  If you start each day by writing down five things you are thankful for like a good cup of coffee, having a good work out, watching a good movie, spending time with your loved ones, or the smell of a campfire, you will begin to realize that you do havea blessed life. 


Most of my life I felt alone, lost, and unloved by society. I have faced many challenges in America. I thought it had to do with being a foreigner. But eventually I discovered why. I went to food and beverages as my way to cope as I continued to journey through unfamiliar territory. It was a vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting, self-judgment, and rejection. It was not until I started to meditate, watched a bunch of television series, movies, and opened my mind to new philosophies, cultures, and thought systems like quantum physics that I was able to expand my consciousness. This book is about my journey. How I went from hating myself to finding self-love, to being angry at the world to finding inner peace and joy, and from being pessimistic to happy-go-lucky. Lastly, discovering who I truly was and feeling that I belonged in this world.  

Eat and drink till you're drunk on love     (Paperback or Hardcover)
